Making the world a kinder place, byte by byte.

Web designer & developer meets content marketing manager in this husband and wife passion project turned full-time gig.


We’re Lars and Alena and we craft websites that make the internet a tiny bit better.

our skill set





love-gift-chocolate-boxOur Core Values

We care deeply about communication, kindness, and a good cup of coffee.

Hand with Cup and Flowers

flash-1Our Projects

Some of the kickass stuff we’ve been working on.

est. 2015


Vegan website with lifestyle articles, healthy recipes, and ebooks.

est. 2022

Kind Blogger

The essentials about starting and growing a successful blog.

est. 2022

Epic Vegan Eats

Delicious vegan recipes for every occasion and all eaters.

shape-peg-topOur Reach

We became full-time entrepreneurs in 1.5 years and have reached over 8 million people ever since.

     Let’s Team Up

Want to join forces? Say hi and tell us about your project.